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As of 06:05:09 AM on Saturday, May 18, 2024, the most recent weeks' worth of commit messages are as follows:

Thursday, April 25, 2024
08:33:26 PM Verse 528 Better colors.
08:14:39 PM Verse 527 Redid the placeholder graybox mesh, removed the wireframe.
Sunday, April 07, 2024
04:43:56 PM Nerd 5092 Updated the hue pushing algorithm to target different hues by luma, so I can amp up the teals in the darks and oranges in the lights, for instance.
02:13:20 PM Nerd 5091 Fixes for the hue pushing algorithm to support a single hue.
09:23:53 AM Nerd 5090 Comments on where the color grading / hue pushing algorithm could go next.
09:15:39 AM Nerd 5089 NERD-48: "Bork" -> "break."
Sunday, March 31, 2024
08:56:35 PM Versebin 34 Updated this.
08:55:16 PM Nerd 5088 More improvements to downscaling.
08:08:06 PM Nerd 5087 NERD-206: Implemented NIcon::OutputIcon(). Included some fixes for downscale blitting, which I need to test further.
07:58:57 PM Versebin 33 Versioned my homebrew icon. I don't remember whether I had landed on the outlined / beefier version for all uses, so this may not be the actual right one.
07:57:16 PM Versebin 32 Updated notes.
04:13:37 PM Nerd 5086 NERD-205: Updated NEntityFactory to be a namespace.
04:00:26 PM Nerd 5085 NERD-205: Touched a lot of stuff. Not all of it, but a lot. NEntityFactory will get its own checkin, and I'll need to review some of the various path handlers and applicators. (Per NRenderPathApplicator, most of the protected functions can be locally defined, which should clean these up.) These are tagged with "NERD-205" where applicable.
02:47:09 PM Nerd 5084 NERD-205: Converted Clipboard, Bresenham, and Base32/64 functions to namespaces. Untested.
02:40:10 PM Nerd 5083 NERD-205: Converted NPostGen from a class to a namespace.
02:38:00 PM Nerd 5082 Added NImageProcessing to absorb the color grading function from the empty project.
02:04:00 PM Nerd 5081 NERD-202: Added const getters to NConfigFile so we can query the presence of a config var without necessarily creating it, what a concept. Updated CC_SetConfig() to more clearly determine the purpose of all the arguments. Removed the unimplemented "unsetmost"/"resetmost" command.
Monday, March 11, 2024
10:38:24 PM Nerd 5080 Added some utility functions for handling hue in NHSLuma structs.
10:37:51 PM Nerd 5079 Added options to load NImages from disk instead of only packed files.
Friday, February 09, 2024
08:39:00 PM Empty 44 Deleted this.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
09:24:36 PM Verse 526 Oop.
08:57:38 PM Verse 525 NERD-190 fixes. Also some lambda weirdness. How did this compile if it didn't know what this other lambda was?
08:56:32 PM Verse 524 Deleted HTML5 stuff.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
11:01:24 PM Nerd 5078 Comment.
10:59:20 PM Nerd 5077 Removed old comments.
08:44:55 PM Tulpa 290 TULPATHREE \ ROTATO Initial checkin after deletes and adds. This runs and is a decent place to start building from. Phew.
08:40:52 PM Tulpa 289 TULPATHREE \ ROTATO Versioned the correct content list, packing slips, and packages. Have not yet deleted the old ones.
08:38:57 PM Tulpa 288 TULPATHREE \ ROTATO Added a three-point texture filtering implementation based on work from TulpaThree (but improved) and versioned the correct language list.
08:37:47 PM Nerd 5076 Removed some old commented out code that appears to have been left over from before render paths.
08:36:59 PM Nerd 5075 NERD-190: Initialize dimensions earlier, before config vars are registered, as was done in the past.
08:35:06 PM Tulpa 287 TULPATHREE \ ROTATO Deleting everything believed to no longer be needed.
Monday, January 15, 2024
03:30:21 AM Empty 43 NERD-190, NERD-201: Updates.
03:30:05 AM Nerd 5074 NERD-190, NERD-201: Moved PopulateSlots() into NGameSession and rewrote the static/virtual function pairs as lambda/virtual pairs. Do null checks on save slots in order to allow null saves to be passed around in games that do not need to support serialization.
10:32:35 AM Empty 42 Or this.
10:30:21 AM Empty 41 Don't need any of these.
10:29:56 AM Dev 137 Comment.
10:25:42 AM Empty 40 These shouldn't exist anymore.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
11:45:51 PM Tulpa 286 TULPATHREE \ ROTATO Names update.
11:37:09 PM Tulpa 285 TULPATHREE Branching for Rotato.
11:36:37 PM Tulpa 284 TULPATHREE Adding these before branching but honestly I probably don't need to branch.
10:25:10 PM Nerd 5073 NERD-190: Fixed a bug where the OnSetScreenRes delegates were not being called on initial launch.
10:07:42 PM Tulpa 283 TULPATHREE NERD-190 updates.
10:07:34 PM Verse 523 NERD-190 updates.
10:07:26 PM Verse 522 VERSEWOOD \ SMOL NERD-190 updates.
10:02:06 PM Verse 521 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON NERD-190 updates.
09:58:58 PM Verse 520 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON CANON-58: Stubbing out a shield which I've called a "buckler" here because "shield" is already in use for the health/armor segments.
09:56:51 PM Nerd 5072 Comments.
09:55:06 PM Empty 39 NERD-190 updates.
09:54:06 PM Nerd 5071 NERD-190: Couple small things just to feel like I'm making progress. The menu and input subsystems are gonna be bigger tasks and I'm not ready to broach those yet.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
12:22:02 PM Verse 519 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON Fixed a bug where crumbling or reviving world tiles outside the active room could cause the world mesh and collision to be rebuilt every frame. Whoops!
12:21:19 PM Verse 518 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON Moved this new game start code from the title screen being closed or no longer top to pressing the play button. This all feels really shaky regardless. This should live in CanonSession probably.
12:09:40 PM Nerd 5070 Missing a space here.
12:09:31 PM Nerd 5069 I was trying to make some perf improvements here but basic index access is faster than iterators.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
09:20:17 PM Verse 517 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON Removed Staging. Most of these went away or got collapsed way down.
09:18:42 PM Nerd 5068 Removed some old "FadePct" stuff for Xanadu from engine code. This no longer exists; I'll need a new way to handle this in my palette manager if I want it.
08:18:23 PM Verse 516 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON Deleted a bunch of old stuff, including everything related to the CRT sim and filmic effects, FXAA, Humble, press and public test build stuff, the three-slot, the laser grid intro, the intro and ending, attract mode, etc. I'll save staging for another checkin.
08:16:33 PM Nerd 5067 Removed some legacy hacks for Xanadu's filmic effects.
07:22:51 PM Verse 515 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON Deleted a bunch of old RLGA stuff. Not enough but it's a start.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
08:37:18 AM Nerd 5066 Comments.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
09:43:34 AM Tulpa 282 TULPATHREE NERD-190 updates. I believe there's still some game scene resolution wonkiness here that I haven't sorted out.
Friday, December 15, 2023
10:01:45 PM Verse 514 NERD-190 updates.
09:25:29 PM Verse 513 VERSEWOOD \ SMOL NERD-190 updates. Still has some problems on startup but it compiles.
08:55:44 PM Nerd 5065 NERD-190: Added SuppressPause() for setting this externally.
08:55:18 PM Verse 512 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON NERD-190 updates.
Monday, December 11, 2023
07:40:43 PM Empty 38 NERD-190 updates.
07:40:33 PM Nerd 5064 NERD-190: Moved stuff to NGameTiming and renamed the getter function from Time() to Timing() since that's what my brain expects.
07:19:58 PM Empty 37 NERD-190 updates.
07:19:47 PM Nerd 5063 NERD-190: Moved more assets into NGameAssets.
06:27:06 PM Nerd 5062 Comments.
Sunday, December 10, 2023
08:42:48 PM Verse 511 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON NERD-190: Added CanonSession.
08:41:06 PM Nerd 5061 NERD-190, NERD-199: Couple fixups as I get Canon working again.
07:47:44 PM Empty 36 NERD-190: Added an example derived game session class.
07:45:00 PM Nerd 5060 NERD-190: Added NGameSession. This also includes quickstart and intro cinematic stuff, e.g., the trappings around a first session.
07:09:42 PM Nerd 5059 NERD-199: Changes to how pausing and being paused works. More to come in the future.
02:19:56 PM Nerd 5058 Not sure what the right fix is here but I definitely shouldn't dereference this without checking.
02:19:35 PM Verse 510 VERSEWOOD \ SMOL Buh whatever. I need to roll this back again.
Wednesday, December 06, 2023
09:14:33 PM Verse 509 VERSEWOOD \ SMOL NERD-190 updates. This crashes shortly after startup for reasons I can debug later.
09:10:39 PM Nerd 5057 Comment on a bug I discovered while getting Smol to compile with NERD-190 changes. My base game 2D camera component expects a camera to be called "Alt."
06:32:41 PM Tulpa 281 TULPATHREE NERD-190 updates.
06:32:25 PM Nerd 5056 NERD-190: Updates for Tulpa. Added a delegate for OnSetScreenRes and a getter for the time dilation stack, which really needs a better interface.
Monday, December 04, 2023
11:31:27 PM Empty 35 Oop.
11:31:05 PM Verse 508 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON Oop.
09:10:34 PM Verse 507 NERD-190 updates. Everything except legacy non-callback console commands appears to be working.
09:07:56 PM Nerd 5055 Added a delegate for startup throttling finished because this function is not extendable but Verse wanted to extend it.
09:06:51 PM Nerd 5054 Some renames in comments.
Sunday, December 03, 2023
08:45:12 PM Empty 34 NERD-190: Added extendable subsystems to Empty_Project.
08:23:23 PM Verse 506 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON NERD-190: This isn't great and speaks to why having loose "ThePlayer" sort of pointers is bad. I haven't yet migrated GetPlayerHandle() et al out of NBaseGame, but that's the direction I should be going with this stuff. It should be the rare exception when I need to look up a typed subsystem; it's better to add stubs to the base class if at all possible.
08:06:24 PM Nerd 5053 NERD-190: I'd had a whole thing here where I cached off typed subsystems, but it was actually faster to just do the cast every time lol. I don't need to be scared of casts.
07:29:25 AM Nerd 5052 NERD-190: Renaming some stuff as I'm getting this stuff working in Canon.
Saturday, December 02, 2023
07:25:13 PM Empty 33 NERD-190 updates.
07:24:57 PM Nerd 5051 Comments and cuts.
Friday, December 01, 2023
11:53:11 PM Nerd 5050 NERD-190: I need to revisit this one, but I moved a bunch of config stuff out of NBaseGame and into NGameConfig. I'm not sure NGameConfig is the right place for all of it, though.
11:01:19 PM Nerd 5049 NERD-190: This one needs some cleanup, the console getter in particular is pretty nasty, but this adds extendable subsystems for "the big three": config, controls, and console.
08:50:54 PM Nerd 5048 NERD-190: Added NGameAssets to store random global assets. This will probably need some iteration to understand how I want to use it when I get around to making an actual game.
08:18:16 PM Nerd 5047 NERD-190: Added NGameAudioPath and NGameAudioState. There's not a real clear distinction between these beyond virtual and final.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
10:28:26 PM Nerd 5046 NERD-190: NFML fixes.
09:42:41 PM Nerd 5045 NERD-190: Added NGameVideoState to hold rendering-related properties.
09:11:20 PM Nerd 5044 NERD-190: Added NGameRenderPath.
08:40:06 PM Empty 32 NERD-190 cleanup.
08:39:37 PM Nerd 5043 NERD-190: A little bit of cleanup. Feeling like all the extendable stuff should be wrapped inside Settings or something similar but not const.
08:20:24 PM Nerd 5042 NERD-190: Added NGameConsoleCommands and made it extendable. This doesn't really clean up anything in NBaseGame, and it's becoming clear that I need to generalize this pattern in a way that won't create a lot of copy/paste code in NBaseGame.
07:56:00 PM Nerd 5041 NERD-190: Moved achievements to NGameAchievements. This is the first extendable type that doesn't live in core and might in theory want to store some state and not be constant. But this just interfaces with Steamworks and/or an achievement component of some owner entity (usually the player).
07:31:27 PM Nerd 5040 NERD-190: Moved some resolution/video options stuff to NGameWindow. This really lives somewhere between window and dimensions, but the important thing is it's not in NBaseGame anymore. Also removed some unused functions and old TODO comments.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
10:47:54 PM Cmd 60 Tools updates for recent engine changes. I don't anticipate any of these changes requiring moving the new executables over; this is mostly just about periodically making sure I can still build tools.
09:31:00 PM Empty 31 NERD-190: Empty_Project updates.
09:29:12 PM Nerd 5039 NERD-190: There's a lot here. Fundamentally I'm adding the one big extendable game subsystem to handle all the const functions like GetProjectName(), but due to the presence of some of these functions in NCore, I've also had to stub out a core class for these thing. I also ended up renaming both "resource.h" files because hey that was bad. Hopefully those aren't autogenerated names that mess something up down the road. This will also require some heavier lifting on the derived game's side, adding its own subclass of NGameSettings for these functions to live in.
07:42:44 PM Nerd 5038 Yeah, I guess this is overdue for a change.
06:34:16 PM Nerd 5037 NERD-190: Added NGameArgs and NGameWindow. There's more cleanup to be done here, but this seems to work.
09:47:53 AM Nerd 5036 Doing some random cleanup. I don't think these are used anywhere, but I haven't looked at all projects yet, so I'm going to leave these commented out and not removed entirely.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
07:24:25 PM Nerd 5035 Backing out r5027 now that I'm done with font generation for a bit.
07:21:47 PM Verse 505 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON Yeah I guess I don't need this on anymore.
07:19:36 PM Nerd 5034 This was unrelated to NERD-162.
07:19:26 PM Nerd 5033 NERD-162: Finally checking in all this SDF font work on the last day of the break so I can resolve this task.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
09:01:38 PM Nerd 5032 NERD-162: Improvements to SDF font generation.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
11:56:17 PM Nerd 5031 Oop.
09:07:26 PM Nerd 5030 NERD-162: Fire off rays in random directions and make a more confident estimate of inside-ness. I think these directions are actually the same every time because each thread gets initialized to the same default random seed. That's fine actually, it means I have deterministic behavior and that's what I want here. I could enforce this with Mersenne twisters if I wanted to.
08:13:41 PM Verse 504 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON Oop.
08:13:27 PM Nerd 5029 NERD-162: More work on SDF fonts. Almost ready to start rendering; I just need to get the metrics written to file.
Monday, November 20, 2023
11:55:32 PM Nerd 5028 Working on SDF font generation. The images mostly work; the atlas assembly and file output is next. And rendering, of course.
11:54:23 PM Nerd 5027 Checking these in with comments because I'm tired of seeing them. Yes they need to be rolled back. I'm getting to that.
11:53:54 PM Nerd 5026 Added support for latent watchers to track multiple latents (usually threads) at once. Not well tested, as this has turned out to not be how I'm approaching SDF font generation. But! This is still probably useful in some context.
11:51:52 PM Nerd 5025 Comment.
11:51:35 PM Nerd 5024 Added NTaskThread, a simple thread only intended to fire off queued tasks after it launches.
11:50:29 PM Nerd 5023 Allow thread task functions before launch.
11:49:57 PM Nerd 5022 Updated these function signatures.
11:49:33 PM Nerd 5021 These functions should be const.
11:48:23 PM Nerd 5020 Apparently I never told VS to respect my do...while syntax preferences.
01:12:55 PM Nerd 5019 Moving some stuff around to facilitate generalized subsystem initialization in the future.
01:00:07 PM Nerd 5018 Comment.
12:58:16 PM Nerd 5017 Comment.
12:55:12 PM Nerd 5016 Comments on future subsystem migration.
11:58:29 AM Nerd 5015 Don't need these anymore.
11:58:04 AM Verse 503 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON Latest updates for NERD-190.
11:57:36 AM Nerd 5014 NERD-190: Just slightly more verbose but better for future maintenance.
11:21:56 AM Verse 502 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON More Canon updates for NERD-190.
11:20:48 AM Nerd 5013 Moved game dimensions functions into NGameUtils. Cleaned up a lot of related junk.
Sunday, November 19, 2023
05:23:50 PM Verse 501 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON More updates for NERD-190.
05:23:07 PM Nerd 5012 NERD-190: Added NGameUtils to minimize verbose NBaseGame calls.
01:24:10 PM Nerd 5011 NERD-190: Guess I'll want this when I start messing with SDF fonts.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
07:51:39 PM Nerd 5010 NERD-190: Couple more changes I noticed as I was getting Canon working.
07:51:11 PM Verse 500 VERSEWOOD \ XAN3 \ CANON Updates for latest engine changes (NERD-190). Commented out the old loose console commands as that path no longer exists. Added CANON-69 to rewrite these.
07:06:13 PM Empty 30 Updates for latest engine changes.
07:05:41 PM Nerd 5009 Removed an old unused bit of Linux-specific code. Gross.
06:59:21 PM Nerd 5008 NERD-194: Oop, missed this.
06:57:28 PM Nerd 5007 NERD-194: Unified a bunch of window handle cruft. Everything should use NWNDs now.
06:34:35 PM Nerd 5006 NERD-190: Added NGameDimensions. This can maybe be unified with NGameViewport in the future.
02:49:24 PM Nerd 5005 NERD-190: Moved static names to a namespace, added const and override to a bunch of functions, removed a lot of double spaces in comments.

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